Replay Logo Replay

Replay offers an easy place to reproduce and share notebooks. It allows users to replay complex calculations, simulations, and visualisations scenarios by importing Notebooks and their runtime environment and share them with a single link. Replay works well with EGI Notebooks: use-cases include workshops, scientific workflows and streamline sharing among teams.

Access requires a valid EGI account and enrolling to the VO.

Default environment provides up to 4 CPU cores and 6 GB RAM per user.

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Replay is based on Jupyter Binder and runs on the EGI cloud service. You can learn more at our documentation.

This Replay instance is operated by and uses resources from CESNET. User communities/advanced users can have their customised Binder instance. EGI offers consultancy and support, as well as can operate the setup. Email support _at_ to request a community instance.